👀 I see why you were asking about running now
Looks very interesting 👍 I'll have to look over the teams, what a flagship run is, and also see if choosing a city is the way to go 😁 but it sounds fun so count me in 🏃
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun
Looks very interesting 👍 I'll have to look over the teams, what a flagship run is, and also see if choosing a city is the way to go 😁 but it sounds fun so count me in 🏃
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun
you don't need a team to run, or visit any city, unless you want to, of course. you just need to register, download their app and some enthusiasm for May 4. 🙌
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun
Be part of something special! Join me on May 4, 2025 in the Wings for Life World Run https://www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com/en/locations/app/participants/QaP4le
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun