Still lived in Cape Breton back then. Spent NYE at my grandmother's house in Cheticamp, where we didn't have internet, computers, or cable TV. That house had a rotary phone well into the 90s.
I knew the place well when I was little. My grandfather was born and grew up there and my grandparents met there before they moved to Halifax. We used to visit every summer and stay in the cabins in Margaree Forks or in my aunt's post office. Early memories of waking up to live music in the kitchen.
With dad off to save PEI, mom & I celebrated New Year's Eve together at our then home in Riverview.
That night I pulled off one of my all-time greatest puns, which mom still talks about, by putting bread in the toaster when mom insisted we have a toast for New Year's.
I hosted a party at the Sheraton hotel. Louis Wilby was the mastermind behind it and hired me to program it. 500 people for dinner and then stages with music in 4 different rooms including the lobby. Best party I’ve ever thrown. Midnight came and went without a hitch, needless to say.
What’s crazy is that some still write 2 digit years, even some new systems. Confusing when they also refuse to use year/month/day.
That night I pulled off one of my all-time greatest puns, which mom still talks about, by putting bread in the toaster when mom insisted we have a toast for New Year's.