Arcane Season 2, ho boy. Crazy what creatives can come up with if you just let them cook in peace, huh.
Plot wise it's got a fairly straight forward set-up for now, but DAYUM the animation is just so good!
I have watched all 3 episodes so far, of course. The voices wouldn't allow otherwise.
Plot wise it's got a fairly straight forward set-up for now, but DAYUM the animation is just so good!
I have watched all 3 episodes so far, of course. The voices wouldn't allow otherwise.
My poor children, things are going to get so much worse before they get better. Been feeling that lately, good catharsis to get it out.
Just so you know I'm not being hyperbolic about this, I've only watched season 1 about 45 or 50 times.
I wanna watch all of it at once but there's a distinct chance I falter and give in LMAO
I can't really think of a weak link, it's all so good!
Viktor will break my heart though, I can feel it.
And Warwick is cooking, can't wait to see him!