The reality of their partisanship is evident in the inclusion of Hounslow Council's postponement of a Jewish 'Living Experience' exhibition over safety fears, and the notable omission of the Barbican Centre's refusal to host talk by Pankaj Mishra on Gaza on the same entirely spurious grounds.
2/7 Those determined to bring further hidden histories of imperial violence & exploitation to public attention will continue to emphasise the significance of slavery …
That we, as an empire, acted as little more than drug runners (mafias?) for 40+ years is surely important! That I knew of them, but have so little understanding, despite studying History to S/level at school appalls me.
4/7 Those determined to preserve older, self-congratulatory histories & in many cases, White supremacy, will receive a surge in funding & benefit from the propaganda platforms …
5/7 … provided by right wing billionaire new media moguls & the Trump - aligned apparatus in the USA. Their attempts to deflect from Western sponsorship of the Opium Wars will accelerate anti-Chinese sentiment.
Perhaps read people like John Darwin or (very different) Kojin Karatani on empire. I think that, in the academy at least, the terms of your prediction are outdated.
Get your retaliation in first, describe what they are going to do now rather than reacting after the Mail/Telegraph run a headline demonising woke/lefty historians and being invited on the BBC to debate with someone from Tufton Street 'for balance'
From January, part of my next project will delve into German colonialism and nation-building. On the fringe of your discourse perhaps, but challenging the assumptions made about Germany by the pro-empire lobby.
Get your retaliation in first, describe what they are going to do now rather than reacting after the Mail/Telegraph run a headline demonising woke/lefty historians and being invited on the BBC to debate with someone from Tufton Street 'for balance'