I met many refugees and they had the same story: they thought it wouldn't be that bad; other people would be affected, not them; their wealth or connections would protect them; they knew how to get along. They didn't take the opportunity to escape, & they ended up with the clothes on their backs.
I kinda prefer the historical side instead. Most of the first and second class passengers got into lifeboats and lived, while somewhere near half of third class was left to sink
That so many think their wealth will protect them is one of the most foolhardy parts of this. Maybe for the 1%, but the rest of the wealthy class will soon learn no one is exempt. Brilliant cartoon.
I would argue the Astors and Guggenheims of contemporary America likely have a climate-controlled bunker or plans to colonize another planet "Don't Look Up"-style.
Donald, you are supposed to be in steerage. Beat it!!
The orange faced rapist made some very embarrassing mistakes during covid that he would like to rewrite.
I don't have a problem with being targeted, there isn't a better cause.
Just sayin'
and it always puts a smile on my face.
Thank you so much
Where the hell do they think they are going to live and breathe once the planet is dead and another couple decades?
Good luck, everyone.