It’s fucking horrible. However, in the recent weeks there seems to be a softening. Like, we’ve realized we are on the same team and really don’t want to kill each other with our cars. (Exception: huge urban redneck pick up trucks)
Your description of Boston as having pick up trucks and saying there's a white Roxbury, makes me think that you have never been to Boston. Are you talking about West Roxbury? And even that is not white, as you described it.
Have been almost run off the road numerous times by huge pick up trucks in Westie. When was the last time you were there? How do like centre street these days? What’s your favorite pizza place in Westie? Comellas or the real deal? Best burgers? Porter cafe or ale house?
Where is westie? I'm in Westwood right now. I don't know what you're talking about. Your terminology, your statements all make me think something is fraudulent.