Not true. Nothing is set in stone. The courts have already overturned multiple EOs, stopped federal workers from being fired, & halted the illegal freezing of funds.
Just because he's president doesn't mean he has cart blanche to be a dictator. WE are his guard rails chipping away at this delusion.
Just because he's president doesn't mean he has cart blanche to be a dictator. WE are his guard rails chipping away at this delusion.
That's the wishful thinking and delusions of grandeur that only cease being the ravings of a madman if we let it.
He hasn't won this fight at all. And we shouldn't give in and think he has.
The harder everyone fights against them, the better the chances are of their attempted coup failing.
So do something. A million tiny little cuts to their plans can still do a lot of damage.
I’m just saying I agree with you resist resist don’t give up thx💙
This is why we have not burned this corrupt billionaires only economy to the ground, yet.
Currently only burning the Musk-ier portions.
Burn baby burn!
They're high on the daring and the risk. But their plans were never sustainable.
In order to break democracy, they need complicity. So this is OUR time to disrupt, derail, & disturb the complicity they require.
You can check my resume.