I got a fabulous new tool for that recently, it is a like a pineapple corkscrew, and you end up with an pineapple bowl after pulling it back out with all the flesh. Before that I avoided them. https://www.lakeland.co.uk/26689/vacuvin-pineapple-corer-slicer-and-wedger (sorry poor alt text on image at link, but info on rest of page)
yes. I feel such a snob owning one. I got it as a novelty, but keep having the impulse to hide it away.
But… in a way, eating fresh pineapple in the UK gives me similar feels. But maybe that’s my age and remembering when fruit was mostly local and seasonal.
But… in a way, eating fresh pineapple in the UK gives me similar feels. But maybe that’s my age and remembering when fruit was mostly local and seasonal.