The Dems need to air commercials all year long to let people know what they are doing to make their lives better. Cite to laws passed to prove it. Their ideas are better but they don’t have a media ecosystem like the right wing. They need to message better.
This goes back many decades. Endowments, think tanks and direct mail campaigns. Blues counted on there always being a labor class. Citizens United was the last nail in the coffin of elections.
You're right though. There is no organization. The left is afraid of being called the S word.
Right?! Even more so given that they constantly cry about being persecuted by the very media outlets (that their buddies own) that coddle them like children. I want angry steel-toed wearing militant journalists armed with a hunger for the truth out there.
You're right though. There is no organization. The left is afraid of being called the S word.
Fairness Doctrine abolished: 1987
Federalist Society: 1982
Cato Institute: 1978
Heritage Foundation: 1973
Eagle Forum: 1972
Young Americans for Freedom: 1965
American Conservative Union: 1964
Direct mail: '60s
Hudson Institute: 1961
Letter writing campaigns: '50s
AEI: 1938