What's with the drug addict tats. I wouldn't follow you fools for free ice cream. Grow Up people are sick of the leftist lies and theft and violence. You start shit now and you're going to prison. Grow up and find something to be for instead of stupidity. The Freak Show is closed.
I'm seeing conflicting reports that the 50501 isn't actually being organized by a group, no permits, no speakers, just "show up". Is there any information? Rallies and walks are organized and specific.
It's a grassroots movement. Lots of info on Reddit, and on their Discord there's a list with states that have permits. Where permits are not given, there will be sidewalk protests.
I wish I could. I have to have surgery today so I will not be able to attend in Denver but hopefully there will be another soon so I can attend. I have been wanting to be a part of the protests.
Not on TikTok anymore.. I hope to see your thoughts on TikTok ban.. bet people want it banned st this point! It ll be a great tool for propaganda and 47 is about to use taxpayer dollars to buy it via a sovereign personal bank account