The Ghost approach to #ActivityPub looks great. They get it. Real engagement and ongoing conversations not just broadcasting. I had a similar experience when Mastodon replies started showing up as comments in WordPress, but Ghost is really building this into the core with the reader view as […]
"You can’t be on the social web without being social"
That's basically what I say to those who say they're not getting any #engagement on #Mastodon... but also everything they #post is all #business! Don't just be a #programmer, or a #founder, be a PERSON. I have some #followers from […]
P.S. it only took 6 months for my follower count here to eclipse my follower count at the other place, and I was there for 6.5 years! Now I have well over thrice as many... and still not been here 6.5 years yet, so still counting... 🙂