I’m not that cynical Jeff. And from what I’m seeing where I am, there are communities definitely coming together who oppose exactly what this is, which is fascism and Nazism as you know.
Put it this way: most Americans don’t have an opinion over whether Trump is fascist because they don’t know the term is on the table, or possibilities of what it means. That’s a lot of work to be done.
I fully agree with that. I also believe and see every minute of every day over the last two weeks communities forming and information being shared In an effort to do exactly that. Because people don’t fully understand the first thing a lot of these groups doing are holding information sessions etc.
Take hope but don’t lose sight of the whole landscape. This reminds of years ago, during W.’s admin, a left Christian group told me they’d raised $300 k to start a campaign against Christian Right. I’d literally just returned from the 99th biggest megachurch that took in that much every Sunday.
There’s nothing cynical in that. That’s an observation, one result of which—which I favor—is WAY more organizing. That includes tight-knit left communities recognizing that most have never even heard their ideas.