Kirby's Star Stacker (GB) - 7/10
Fun little puzzle game. It's similar to Panel de Pon, but this is much easier as the game tends to line things up for you literally (telling you where to place a block set if you can full clear board) and accidentally. You also...
Fun little puzzle game. It's similar to Panel de Pon, but this is much easier as the game tends to line things up for you literally (telling you where to place a block set if you can full clear board) and accidentally. You also...
Really great game and platformer. The music is phenomenal and people keep talking about it for a reason. The characters are great and the game is just full of charm and is one of Rare's greatest games ever made. The game was...
A pretty bad hack honestly. There's not really much of anything here. It mostly just feels like you're doing fetch quests the whole time running back and forth between towns. There's not really much of a story or anything and you just...
I've heard that this game is not only one of the best platformers on the Game Boy, but one of the best games PERIOD. I can only say that from my experience that's true to an extent. I had just come off of playing the previous game...
Probably the best MP4 mod that will ever be made. Completely fixes one of the major problems with the game, that being the lack of item variety, as 99% of the time in normal MP4 you'll only be seeing mushrooms, lamps, and boo...
Very fun game, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed playing it. The only problem I've run into so far is that the gameplay tends to get pretty repetitive so because of that I can't rate it higher than an 8. The...
Wow I really didn't like this game. It has a lot of the jankness of platformers you'd expect from this era. Bad hitboxes, bad controls, bad mechanics, along with everything else about the game being...