There’s one thing I will die on the hill of: if you clutch your pearls when Don Jr. called a reporter the r-slur but clapped when this happened, you actually don’t care about the disabled community as much as you claim to do, honestly so sad to see people flop on basic humanity
See that’s the thing, I don’t think anyone on the left demands perfection, the fact that you’re trying to work and willing to learn speaks volumes to your character. I’ve been unlearning a lot of things like that as well, and I know what you mean
Having gotten heavily involved in supporting sex workers, and being pleasantly surprised that a bunch of them have started feeling safe with me (a cishet white guy), I'm feeling the pressure to do my best lol. Always feels bad to make a mistake with a marginalized group but I'm trying. Thank you!
Right! Next thing you know he will mock handicapped people, rape some women, steal from family contractors, run a fake Veterans charity, and then become president!