Thanks. I have two sets of riding gear from, they are Kevlar (the same material as bullet proof vests) and I have to get them custom because I am tall. The FIRST one was all black (mistake, VERY hot in summer) so I chose this color so I wouldn't look like everybody else.
I knew the material is not ordinary fabric. Hot summer days I used white thin overall for ventilation and visibility on top of complete enduro protectors set. Other seasons I use Leatt Enduro 5.5 throusers and jacket with removable sleeves and integration for neck brace. Very flexible combination.
Both the black & these were 4 season, good with ventilation, good airflow, zip in liners, sturdy (40 Lbs.). The green doesn't absorb sun when sitting in slow traffic like the black did. The liner is for rain/winter riding, being in the Pacific Northwest if you don't ride in rain you don't ride.
I still have to get the 300 mile breakin done (been below freezing for several weeks) but after that it should be all good. Next service is 10,000 miles
And I will add the trip to my travels page when I get it all together: