i mean, i'd argue they're jumping back into it now? just not third-party consoles
valve have gone on record to say that developing for playstation was a pain in the ass (ps3 specifically, which for technical reasons yeah i get), but the steam deck and rumoured fremont show a clear return to consoles
valve's fault for not caring about consoles but even if they did, zero chance this would've flown on the ps4 when sony started charging for online and restricting crossplay
sorry i may be talking out my ass bc im not familiar with ps4 rocket league but does it require linking an external account or does it just use psn login? bc the reason i thought they'd object to this is that it forces ps players to make an acct with an online service that doesnt cost money lol
valve have gone on record to say that developing for playstation was a pain in the ass (ps3 specifically, which for technical reasons yeah i get), but the steam deck and rumoured fremont show a clear return to consoles