Emotional Volitility? Yeah, I get like that sometimes.
Exaggerating? I'm a drama queen, so yes I exxagerate how I feel.
Frequent interrupting? Not frequent but yes occasionally.
Posting Excessively on Socials? When I posted on the clock app, I used to do it frequently.
Seeking Sympathy? Yes.
Exaggerating? I'm a drama queen, so yes I exxagerate how I feel.
Frequent interrupting? Not frequent but yes occasionally.
Posting Excessively on Socials? When I posted on the clock app, I used to do it frequently.
Seeking Sympathy? Yes.
Constantly taking over the conversation? No, I rarely talk.
Demand for excessive admiration? No. Occasional is just fine.
Faking Helplessness? Are you nuts? No. I would never consciously resort to that kind of thing.