There was a time, way back when, that if it was in The Times, it was reliable to use as a reference. These days it’s The Sun without a sense of humour.
VAT is a 1st world problem for these over privileged few. At least it gives the parents something to talk about at their endless drinks and supper parties…
If you can afford to privately educate your kids now you can afford the vat. These well off people and their cheerleaders should stop gaslighting the rest of us. Also the farmers. How about a thank you for all the subsidies we have paid them for decades
Perfect finishing sentence - "A more solid conclusion is that some papers have abandoned all propriety in the pursuit of headlines and a political campaign against the government." 👏👏👏
Meanwhile some competitive but struggling private schools, in an effort to attract hard up parents, make much of their ability to provide piano lessons on the brand new Steinway grand pianos (plural). A snip at £100k+ - VAT included.
I often work in private schools. The facilities they offer to their students are incomparable to the public sector. The idea that they can’t afford to pay VAT is ridiculous.