We get the Government we deserve.
For every election from this day forward, too all you that did NOT bother to show up for The US Constitution and the formation of a more Perfect Union. I put this failure of American History (present) squarely on your shoulders.
I voted for Kamala. What did you do?
Public consciousness is the bane of government. Ever since we saw in real time what was happening in Vietnam. Now that information is abundant the goal by governments, like Russia, is to conflate misinformation with the truth in order to make simpler explanations, though wrong, more believable.
For every election from this day forward, too all you that did NOT bother to show up for The US Constitution and the formation of a more Perfect Union. I put this failure of American History (present) squarely on your shoulders.
I voted for Kamala. What did you do?
"My daddy beat me and I turned out all right."
"Yes, he did. And no, you didn't."
We might have to resort to Mass Therapy techniques yet to be invented.
Dictator 101.