Since the beginning of biblical time, rape has been weaponized. This is still the book all US presidents wear by. This why it is so sickening when I hear god bless this god bless that and god bless america. The fact that my phoe autocorrects god to God also gets on my nerve.
how do parents square this with their beliefs? i remember my parents only let me read certain books from the bible growing up. i didnt want to read it anyways so i was glad to skip.
there's a huge flaw in the concept that this is "god's word" if you cant fully stand behind it.
I read a book called the harlot by the side of the road quite a long time ago. It's a great book, and sire shows just how click, twisted and fucked up the bible is....that kind of bs I don't need in my life....
agree. to any rational reader, the bible is clearly written by secular, power hungry men. unfortunately, religion requires a aptly named "leap of faith" away from rationality.
Most of these are painfully accurate. However, Deuteronomy 13 says nothing about whether any Christian resides in a village; no Christians existed yet when it was written.
Any idea why "Deuteronomy" shows up so often in this list? I'm not hugely familiar with it but the list seems to imply someone had an absolute pile of axes to grind or folks were getting real wild in the ol' town square.
If you tried to make Genesis into an adult film, it would be banned in most countries as the vilest filth. The Holy Book? I’ll stick to the Dhammapada for spiritual guidance.
I reference 1 Samuel 18: 1-4 and 1 Timothy 2: 12 allllll the time. It's nice to have good ammunition in your belt to shut down evangelical hypocrites. Thanks for the refill!
When the christian nationalists want to post commandments, they're citing Exodus, not talking Matthew 22:37-39. So citing OT right back seems more than fair.
My Fake Christian next door neighbors have used the subsidized church for years to get low cost child care, taxpayer money to 'home school' the foster kids they get paid to use to maintain their McMansion as quasi-slaves. They judge everyone but themselves.
Did you shake that smartarse who was biting at you last week? I read it's profile.
Duplicitous hater and trigger baiter. Fake religiot.
I asked him to block me but he told me block him 😒 🤣😂🤣
I cant believe Ive found you here, from the dead bird app! We were mutuals over there, as a matter of fact, you were one of my first follow backs on my 'new' at the time account, 2 yrs ago. So good to see you on the new-ish, wonderful (almost snazi-less) site!
Not one single character from the Buybull ever existed. No fossils, garments, possessions, artifacts ever discovered but tons of dinosaur bones and eggs. The entire book is so full of shit it’s indefensible.
?? The Bible says that the Israelites were held captive in Egypt for 430 years. Moses confronted the Pharoah (of Egypt) for their release. Curiously, none of the Pharoahs who would have ruled during those 430 years is ever named. One of the grandsons of Noah was named Egypt.
Christians want to claim that written sources are enough to confirm what they believe, which is nonsense, but the absence of physical artifacts also doesn't mean those texts are entirely fictitious.
Besides, the idea that Christianity was entirely invented, is almost as fantastic as what Christians believe. History isn't science, so much of ancient history is based on what may have happened, or probably happened, based on the available evidence.
The earliest version of the flood story that I know of was written in Sumerian. May date to before 2000 BCE. The Noah character was named King Ziusudra. Only about 1/3 of the story survives, but it's enough to know that there are similarities and differences to the biblical version. Clearly a myth.
Some people mentioned certainly existed; Pilate, Harrod, Paul, some of the disciples, even Jesus was probably based on a real person since 1) men like him existed, and 2) the Romans executed anyone they saw as trouble, especially during passover.
As an anti-theist, I've got no dog in this fight, but as an historian, I have to sorry, there is no way to claim that Jesus never existed (it's like theists insistingwe prove that God is not real; that conclusion is not supported by the available evidence.
The New Testament writings were produced long before the time of Constantine. John was the last of the gospels to be written-- about 90 CE. Was there an actual person named Jesus who said many of the things reported in the gospels? Seems possible. But he was neither the Messiah nor the Son of God.
King Omri is named on the wall of an Assyrian palace. Exiles from the kingdom of Judah that were taken to Babylon are named in surviving Babylonian records. The invasion of the Levant by Pharaoh Shishonq I is known from Egyptian sources. There is SOME history amid the myths.
Hey dudes! Rape a virgin, pay fifty shekels and you're good with god. Or as Pete Hegseth likes to excuse his sexual peccadilloes, I mean assaults, with, you're forgiven by your lord and savior jesus christ. For raping a virgin. Rape is okay, you just pay a fine and you can do it all over again!
Lie about being a virgin though and you're stoned to death. This list was incredibly eye opening. I always thought Christianity was generally about being kind and nice to one another but I guess that comes later.
there's a huge flaw in the concept that this is "god's word" if you cant fully stand behind it.
The inerrant word of gawd seems to change according to the translator’s desires.;NIV
“May his days be few and may another fill his office.”
Ass backwards
Duplicitous hater and trigger baiter. Fake religiot.
I asked him to block me but he told me block him 😒 🤣😂🤣
It's crammed with self-contradictions, factual errors, false prophecies, and propaganda.
The story of the creation is wrong on every substantive point.
The story of the flood is preposterous.
Jesus could not possibly have been the Messiah, or the son of God.
That said, the book mostly consists of mythology.
(as far as we know:)
descriptive, not prescriptive