Every aspect of life is “political”, yr job has politics, yr schools have politics, your friends play politics. Politics is not only governmental, it’s just life. There are those we call the head down crowd, then there are the brown noses. If you don’t understand politics your not going very far.
I’m very interested in politics. And I’m ignorant as hell. It’s okay to admit to being ignorant, badly educated, logic deprived & struggling because that’s where most of the voters & ME are. If you are going to have a democracy you have to speak to us less fortunate, less gifted voters. We do listen
I'm not interested in politics at all. I've always found it so boring. But they will not quit involving my ability to exist in politics and now I'm forced to be educated and up to date about stuff like what my local politicians are up to and what my congressman's office number is.
I looked them right in the eye and said, "No one can afford that luxury anymore."
"Explain climate denial, but leave the politics out of it, to me."
"I can't. That's who is doing the denying, gqp politicians. So, you're gonna have to figure that out on your own. Let me know how it goes."