Sadly, the internet enabled these cretins to take over an entire political party, and now the whole country. Digging out from under this mountain of stupidity is going to be a daunting task.
I think a lot of it has to do with freedom of religion and not taxing the churches. There is a playground for charlatans to use and abuse in this country. We should be working to rectify that.
Amazing that a population that is taught from childhood that, if you don’t learn the mistakes throughout history, you’re doomed to repeat them could produce such ignorant, lazy minded voters.
Damn! That’s an amazing (and depressing) observation, and one that makes so much sense. I’m thinking now about my own perception of the “arrogance of the intellectual” and how it at times shapes my thinking and visceral reactions to commentary. Being dumb and ignorant should be just that.
Yep, the “I’m stupid and proud of it faction.” There’s only one way out of this & that’s to increase requirements to get a HS diploma or GED & to offer free 2 year community college or trade school after. We’ve unfortunately done just the opposite, dumbing down schools making college unaffordable.
50 years ago I along with many others were speaking out against racism and sexism. All of those still exist. It’s out in the open now. Unapologetic and more dangerous than ever.
I comfort myself sometimes by imagining this a predictable phase of the process. A Lakota elder once explained to me how it goes with their fight for treaty rights. Basically, this here right now is the surge before the storm. The Sioux still haven't given up their land, btw.
Yes. Reagan started this crap with the ‘gee, there you go again’ rubbish against Carter (I mean, how dare a president have command of facts and figures!), Bush Jnr developed it with the faux folksiness, and it has reached its appalling apotheosis with Trump and the MAGA cult.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
"Where is my $2 gasoline?!"