You know I like to follow CREW. But this post upsets me. Just like four years ago the media was reporting..just wait until Trump takes to oath of office, we will get him on the emoluments clause. Well I am stil waiting. Who will stand up, be counted and actually do something about this?
Yes, Start the #resistance in your city, gather friends and family. Organize a march or a protest.
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen. Everyone needs to start now.
This time around we should be shining a light on all of the traitorous shenanigans from day 1. Then we had to convince ourselves and everyone else. We now know it was all illegal. We need an online tracker of emolument violations, Trump hotel stays by foreign nationals, family enrichment, etc, etc.
He didn't divest last time so why would he now? A red congress will let him do whatever he wants as well. Why do you think they aren't making a stink about signing the ethics agreement or using a private security firm for"vetting" his cabinet.
Add all of the Dipshit Musk’s conflicts of interest and you could keep lawyers busy for the next 4 years. But since they’re above the law. Nothing will happen and they’ll just keep grifting along.
MSNBC reported this, virtually every comment on youtube was a troll, barring a few. I wish they'd just turn comments off (like PBS) as Trump has now emboldened the attacks.
But it’s OK - he’ll pass the running of his businesses to his family members so obvs there will be no conflicts of interest. Trust him, it’s not like he’s been found guilty of business fraud *Wink
– Thomas Jefferson
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen. Everyone needs to start now.