A relief of Dionysus, discovered in 1907 in a shipwreck off the coast of Mahdia, ancient Aphrodisium, in Tunisia. Archaeologists believe the ship was sunk in the 1st century BC, and its cargo, which contains other important statues, may have been stolen during the sack of Athens by Sulla in 86BC. πΊ
closed it without saving any changes. searched for something and then rechecked my profile. error message no longer displays.
Thank you again!
Would you mind typing out what you see as my handle?
The first part with the dot in the middle is there instead of your name (so I thought it's a joke you made), the second part the usual "addition" we've been seeing all day.
However, in Edge everything is normal, I see your name and NO addition.
We were surprised at the relative lack of artifacts, but perhaps there are more in the national museum which is closed for renovation.