Givin' this a shot myself- here's my top 10 favorite 'mons list as of now:
1. Silvally
2. Breloom
3. Armaldo
4. Lapras
5. Maractus
6. Azumarill
7. Zebstrika
8. Chikorita
9. Necrozma (Every form, though if I had to pick one, Ultra Necrozma)
10. Slither Wing
1. Silvally
2. Breloom
3. Armaldo
4. Lapras
5. Maractus
6. Azumarill
7. Zebstrika
8. Chikorita
9. Necrozma (Every form, though if I had to pick one, Ultra Necrozma)
10. Slither Wing
Reposted from
Top 10 fav mons
1. Reshiram
2. Zeraora
3. Hakamo-o
4. Necrozma
5. Hisuian Zoroark
6. Sceptile
7. Alolan Vulpix
8. Leafeon
9. Aggron
10. Breloom
Call it basic ahh taste if you have to but you can’t disagree they some mad bangers
1. Reshiram
2. Zeraora
3. Hakamo-o
4. Necrozma
5. Hisuian Zoroark
6. Sceptile
7. Alolan Vulpix
8. Leafeon
9. Aggron
10. Breloom
Call it basic ahh taste if you have to but you can’t disagree they some mad bangers