Niki Savva has pointed out Costello was Treasurer from when Labor lost office in Mar 96 until Dec 07. Peter Dutton became Asst Treasurer in Jan 06.
Putting aside the 'Labor's mess' bit, Dutton's claiming 'we' did it when he had no involvement until 10 yrs after the event. A long bow there.
Putting aside the 'Labor's mess' bit, Dutton's claiming 'we' did it when he had no involvement until 10 yrs after the event. A long bow there.
He demonises anyone that does not share his RWNJ myopic world view & in doing so is blatantly attempting to create a political divide in Aust. much like his hero has done in the US Kakistocracy.
ALP: “Fixing L/NP mess”
L/NP: “Fixing ALP mess”
Pretty sick of both making claims.