This is what Reagan did with his "welfare queen" rhetoric. And it created enough public hostility toward welfare recipients that even Democrats embraced an anti-welfare agenda and revamped the program to punish families rather than supporting them in a time of need.
Don't let that happen again.
Don't let that happen again.
Reposted from
Social Security Works
BREAKING: Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks — and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.
No one needs that much money. No one can spend that much money. It's insane.
Let’s keep the heat cranked to 11.
I've known men like that. Making money was easy for them because they were in the right place at the right time. Not because they were brilliant, and yet we treat them as if they must be.
Older and aging adults have SO MUCH to give to the world if only the world cared to listen. Thankfully, my culture understands that, and us Cree people take care of our Elders, and cherish them.
Our old people may be our greatest pool of wisdom ever.
"Doddering old fools with nothing left to give to the world - just sucking up resources, and for what? They'll die soon anyway."
It's a big part of the reason I'm leaving the health system.
In human services, the Roosevelt era marked "the age of reconstruction," and the Regan era marked the beginning of "the age of erosion."
And the erosion just never stopped. No one ever bothered to shore up the ground.
One important thing; that welfare queen was real (likely exaggerated by Reagan) and was charged criminally with fraud. Like Florida's Rick Scott defrauding Medicaid.
I feel like that bc of the number of people who dump grandma in the home and jet, only coming back once or twice a year.
They don't care about grandma. Maybe they'll learn to value her now