Next up they’ll cut unemployment benefits which will push overqualified people to take any job they can find. Personal bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures will rise.
I worry you may not be correct. One of Trump's puppet masters will find the guys who assemble economic indicators and fire them. Then one of the Trump sons will tell us all the economic indicators are the BEST EVER. Government stats are about to become meaningless.
Actually, an illegal immigrant came to this country, worked illegally, got citizenship fraudulently, and as an unvetted person in an unvetted office is taking your jobs and benefits away, illegally. Elon Musk, that's who.
Diabolical, Unfit, Unquilted, Corrupt, Cruel, Hateful, Stupid. The madness continues. Make noise Call, Text, Peaceful Protest. Boycotting. The power of protests matters and speaking out helps and feels good having a voice. I am sad, mad, and will never consent to this Charlatan and his Sycophants. 💙
"More than 200,000 federal workers at more than a dozen agencies have had their roles eliminated and another 75,000 workers..."
Sounds like the next job report is going to hurt. A lot.
And even that he can't do in person.