Yarns are Harrisville Designs Highland for the in progress cozy, and Sandnes Garn Peer Gynt for the finished cozy. The pattern is mine, Color Lovin' Coaster Cozies, available through Ravelry.

#HarrisvilleDesignsYarn #SandnesGarnPeerGynt #StrandedColorwork #WillyGDesigns
Reposted from Will (he/him)
I've fallen in love with a coffee shop that sells small lattes (I've tried ordering a large, and it just messes with the flavor I love). So I'm happily knitting a coastercozy, and suddenly I need to make the cuff. Don't mind if I do!
#MenWhoKnit #StrandedColorwork #CoffeeCozy #WillyGDesigns
