1) I ain't old. 2) you'll be screaming for order, education and mentorship (hell, you'll want Pavlov to come back from the dead and train Humans) when you're left with a generation of gold diggers, $#x perverts and E-Girls with no future after the age of 26. Society has degraded and it's sad to see.
Idk man Sabrinas pretty okay to me. She probs wouldnt reciprocate bc Im like 3 years younger thsn her lol, but hey fish in the sea. Dont see me writing paragraphs about it tho.
You totally missed the point of my lecture didn't you? The last thing I find her on earth is attractive! She is nasty and she is spreading a negative message to young girls and also I have seen many creepy 40+ men who have unhealthy infatuations with her. I ain't jealous for crap. She seems toxic.
God I wish I was 40. I'd have so much DHT in my bloodstream, wider ribcage, toned obliques, Id beat all my current PRs. Sabrina probably wouldnt like that but I dont care.
The internet is not normal in the slightest. You must be relatively new to the internet if you think that what I said is weird. You're in for some surprises trust me.
Wouldn't not wanting an entire generation full of wh*r*s and women who only seek men for material wealth access actually be more anti sexist? 🤔 I don't think letting millions of American women wind up as E-Girls would be empowering to women. Self degradation is not empowerment.
I would not be on this platform period if people would wise up already. Raise their children rather than being their friends from age 5, make real music again that doesn't depend on abundant auto tune and visual gimmicks and finally if they would finally realize they have no voice in politics.
Based in reality and on pragmatism? Yes! Absolutely. Hell yeah, I'm absolutely unlike my fellow late millennials/early Gen Z'ers. And I am proud to not be some hipster jack wagon that's for sure. I am straight edge, I am a Spiritualist and I will not apologize for being single at my age!
it's been a while since i've seen a good ol' fashioned internet crank making weird posts that come across like fingernails on a chalkboard, and this one is just a youthful baby, a fresh-faced zoomster. a long career awaits!
He knew there was that many
You should talk to more people in real life.
i'm curious how much money you make that you're on bluesky crying about gold diggers 😂
Online truly is an overflowing garden of delights