I fear although it can be described as childish below the surface
It’s much more
It’s intimidation , clearing the field I suppose it’s craning power over those that may expose or oppose his/ their power/ influence
I literally just said this last night. I was horrified listening to a friend tell me Bezos is making humans work for robots with an earpiece that times their tasks. Evil. She said do you think Elon is evil? I replied “he’s just a big kid”. These ppl have no business being in charge of human welfare
I was disappointed to see you’re getting creeps in your comments! I couldn’t reply to your post about comments, but it is impossible to keep them out apparently. I’m praying Bluesky doesn’t become a swamp! I love it and you! I have missed Twitter terribly! Mr. Pasty Childman ruins everything!
It’s much more
It’s intimidation , clearing the field I suppose it’s craning power over those that may expose or oppose his/ their power/ influence
#SendMusk2Mars #FuckElonMusk #ElonHate #DeptOfGrifterElites #ElonMuskSucks
why does the news media keep reporting this fantasy?