Tech dorks went from “I don’t have to be popular, my success is validation enough for all who slighted me in the past. I win in the end.” to “Now that I have achieved infinite wealth I can have my revenge, forcing myself upon the world”
There are plenty of billionaires who aren’t vindictive assholes - it’s not the times it’s a culture of superiority that they believe should extend outward to all other sectors
Your question to Scott (and the universe) on Tuesdays pod was a good one-what has happened to this handful of men. Yes it’s not all men. But Marc was a smart man once, yes? And now this? What’s happened to these people?
But did Trump really run the federal government between 2016 and 2020, you know, WHEN HE WAS LITEREALLY THE HEAD OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?
Just because Trump, himself, didn't actually "do" anything - primarily because he doesn't leave the Lincoln bedroom until 11:00am and heads out for golf around 3:00pm, with a lunch in the middle - he was definitely dictating everything. Governing via Twitter, remember? That was the thing.
Yes!! Didn't know who he was. My impression 👎. I listened to The Daily - Erin Griffiths interviewed him. Covered his about-face on Trump, all about $ but never once did she ask, "how do you square yourself with Jan 6, Roe, indictments, felonies, Haitians eating cats and dogs?" Fluff piece.
This puppet said in the interview that while AI was changing the world in the biggest technological revolution since Internet launch, Biden administration was actually trying to stop AI development. What a delusional clown.
What disgusts me is that on some level they know it’s wrong. They reach for absurd interpretations of the past to justify the absurd behavior they’re fully committed to.
Andreessen is now a huge disappointment to many, even to those on the 'navigator' team. Imagine the hope, the anticipation for the future that period entailed, and I'm not talking about the money. Now, after billions of dollars have had a chance to work on his soul, he believes his own bullshit.
Still believe that the money acted as an accelerant to the dumpster fire. A founder's wife (in the process of divorce) once told me, "Never make more than $10m, after that everything goes to shit and falls apart." Saw it over and over again (dot com'er here). Always men, usually a Hooters waitress.
They all seem to be lost in a world of fantasy and delusion. I keep trying to understand why they think the "deep state" is conspiring to turn the country into a communist gulag and i just... can't. Dazed and confused.
What he’s missing here is that “whoever” launched into divisive influencing campaigns on social media during that period probably attacked from both extremes, just logically. I’ve been teaching Marx et. al. since 1978; we don’t do tendentious sh*t, we teach about tendentiousness.
His activities aren't mentioned nearly enough. Thanks for putting his name in the news. I knew of him since Netscape and knew people who worked closely with him. Keep exposing his ugliest sides. He's got plenty.
My first thought was that I can’t wait to see Kara Swisher’s response to the Andreessen because I can’t fine the words! Wow, a billionaire tech CEO really felt comfortable whining about gubmemt being mean to billionaire tech CEOs!
Sucks that they grew into that role in today’s political climate. I think it might show how they feel just as trapped as us by the system.
Trump played a LOT of golf in his 1st term.
Like, over 300 days playing golf.
And no, it's not the same as the "Gulf of Mexico". Lets not mix both as they do.
The hilarious thing is he would vigorously argue against incompetence, even given that exact framing.