Let's ignore all the horrible attacks 'randomly' happening in Germany. Let's NOT connect it to a group of someones currently looting the American Government. Let's not look at the parallels in America before our own elections. Let's view it as coincidence, and watch it happen in Germany AGAIN.
My great grandmother would have been so disappointed to hear that the German people have already forgotten the horror politicians like this once inflicted on the world.
Not so funny, and it strikes close to me. I have an elderly relative in Germany who's become an AfD supporter. Between anti-migrant rants and repeating Putin talking points, it's gotten to be too much. It's like dealing with MAGA-types here in the USA. Sad and frustrating.
This what I have to deal with here in the Munich suburbs. I helped my son on his paper route today & bumped into a gentleman distributing AfD mailers. So disappointing.
I live in Dresden, Germany. The city is somewhat famous for the rise of the new right through the Pegida movement. It‘s so sad to see. US poltics has been a driver since trumps first term. I kind of hope the US right fucks up so bad that it sends shockwaves to germany. But I wouldn‘t bet on it.
Böhmermann makes some excellent points here. Also provides a hilarious display of the ridiculously complex words that Germans have become noted for inventing to convey different concepts.
It’s like that time when low rise jeans tried to make a comeback as if they didn’t think we would remember the way they subjected us to torture beyond measure….but with, like, way less death and doom, obvi.
The crossover I did not know I needed