Gurl. That On was amazing. Please keep doing what you are doing. I know it is possibly a long shot, but if you got the WP, that be a big win for the USA.
I saw the warren Buffett interview on CBS Sunday morning, where he discussed his business relationship with Katharine Graham. I found it to be very insightful. I’m looking forward to this documentary.
Engaging discussion about you buying WaPo. Do it. You’ll get all of the former subscribers back and lots more. We need tenacious, fierce, fearless journalists. You walk the talk. Do it.
As a local resident, lifelong reader and former employee (ad sales), I’m also heartbroken about what’s happening at the Post. One idea I haven’t heard mentioned is doing what the Philly Inquirer has done and making it a “for-profit benefit corp” under non-profit ownership. Any consideration of this?
I saw an article that you wanted to buy/save WAPO, but I couldn't open it because I don't, nor will I ever subscribe to it under Bezos. Can you gift the article on here? Or just explain it to us. I'd love to hear more. We desperately need truth to power journalism!
If only Jeff Bezos had the backbone Katharine Graham displayed when she not only went toe-to-toe with Nixon but risked everything in the process. If Bezos has business conflicts and/or lacks the onions journalistically, he should sell the Post.
Am I right that it’s showing on Prime? Which would be an abomination. Jeff could certainly learn a few things from it, except he’s too far down the billionaire rabbit hole. Where’s Frodo when you need him?
Warren Buffett was a big supporter of Katharine Graham and one of the largest investors in Wapo while she was publisher. Why isn't he doing more to financially support journalists and media outlets who aren't bending the knee like Bezos?
I just watched it and it was terrific. It's always the women who have the guts. Also a reminder we're not in Oz anymore and Nixon was stopped because Republicans actually gave a damn about the country...well and we had a liberal court. How far we have fallen...
Larry Hogan Sr, the father of former Maryland governor Larry Hogan, Jr (2015-2023), was the 1st House Republican to call for Nixon’s impeachment. That bravery cost him dearly ending his political career, but as his son put it, it gave him a quiet conscience and an honored place in history.
Your "On with Kara Swisher" podcast today with your love affair with the Washington Post was so informative. I'm smarter because I listen to you. Love your work ❤️
Hey, Kara Swisher is trying to put a group together to buy the Washington Post! Cancel your subscriptions now and burn a hole in Jeff Bozo's pocket!! Maybe we can get advertisers to boycott as well.
I have an annual digital subscription to WaPo that renewed last September. I can cancel today, but it won’t go into effect until September. It’s frustrating because it feels like bait and switch.
If Bezos won’t sell you the Post, you could start a new Washington paper and hire the best reporters and opinion writers from the Post. I’ll pitch “Light on Washington” or something that plays on “Democracy dies in darkness” as a name. This just if you can’t acquire the post…
What is Kara doing in Adelaide?! Is there some summit I’m missing? Just love the Fringe? As my top dream dinner party guest, I now know how my kids felt when they knew Taylor Swift was in our country. I’m a total Swishy
Let him know what you think
[email protected] sadly has lost all credibility and they don’t have anything to say that I want to hear.
Let. Do. It.