Voters want someone who knows what they are doing and can be classy about it with a razor sharp aside from time to time. They just forgot his name is Joe Biden. Instead they elected the other old guy. Most of the people who vote are effectively walking dementia patients.
The NYT is asking if Trump is going rogue? Of course he is going rogue, he is doing whatever he wants, he doesn't care about the people that elected him. He said it many times during the campaign, he didn't care about them, he just wanted their vote. Is he going rogue, YES HE IS. He is going rogue.
I hate the NYT. They did everything they could to normalize this stain on humanity and get him elected so they could make a few bucks off it. They abdicated any journalistic responsibility or ethics. A horrible newspaper that chose the wrong side of history. again.
On another note: Why is that vapid mannequin standing next to that rancid tub of lard wearing sunglasses? (Probably because she's ashamed, but doesn't have the courage to leave.)
Trump doesn’t worry about polls or the stock markets. He plans to have completed his conversion of our Republic to a dictatorship/kingdom in short order. No one is standing in his way. Some are trying with little to no success.
I second that emotion. Would, however, describe it as him being a horribly demented idiot obsessed with incredibly stupid and demonstrably wrong-headed delusions.
Well that’s the thing, it’s not whole states. Many Trump voters want things to change, just like me. We all get frustrated, and most of us are reasonable.
Seems to boil down to ideology. Whether one believes that government can, incrementally and problematically “fix” things, or if it’s just more of an obstacle, frustrating and preventing the “solutions” that the “free market” promises to magically deliver.
I thought that post kind of gave the impression I was a Trump supporter. I am not. The change I want is freer kinder and helpful. Let’s all agree. Trump is horrible.
? Because he is the most dishonest, despicable, lowest of scum of the earth? Sorry didn’t read the article but I know Trump is the worst human he only cares for himself
He is going rogue because Mage Supporter are joining us, pissed off at Trump big time, maga has called their Republican's where are their loyalty stand!!
Not an inability... more of a refusal. Owing to his stubborn "belief" (aka "magical thinking() that he can, by sheer force of will, bring his delusions into reality (aka "manifestation").
This is all fine and good. But he doesn’t care if he’s popular or not now. He won the election he’s in office and doing what he wants. So what if he’s unpopular? He’s not running for re election and maybe he’ll never leave. Bring unpopular isn’t going to get him out.
I cringe every time I read the words “Trump believes” together. I don’t believe he believes anything other than that he is the most powerful person in the world and can wield that power however he chooses. And he chooses to wield it to punish his perceived enemies and enrich himself.
a$$hole and a traitor to the Constitution?
Did I get it right?
shame on them!
overreach, the predictable outcome. 🇺🇸
Stay Tuned.
their remorse? By then, it may be too late.
But the egg prices...
Dirty lousy trick he's playing on Veterans.
Maybe she got deported?
& conflating Elon’s bad polling w Trump perception.
Elon is Trump’s ‘pain sponge’.