A footnote to Beyoncé's Grammy wins:
Cam, another woman who didn't play Music Row's games and who was exiled from the country mainstream, is now a Grammy winner; she contributed to "more than 20%"'of COWBOY CARTER's runtime.
My favorite "Burning House" performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlhBizyeo8s&pp=ygURY2FtIGJ1cm5pbmcgaG91c2U%3D
Cam, another woman who didn't play Music Row's games and who was exiled from the country mainstream, is now a Grammy winner; she contributed to "more than 20%"'of COWBOY CARTER's runtime.
My favorite "Burning House" performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlhBizyeo8s&pp=ygURY2FtIGJ1cm5pbmcgaG91c2U%3D
Also, I’m glad she helped out Beyoncé, but I’m ready for Cam3.
Frankly, we're lucky that she got one #1 and a couple of other charting singles at all.
Such a talent, and so happy that she was asked to contribute to this project!