The counter is not to trade examples, but see if you can produce unbiased definitions of what you mean be 'simple rules', that don't beg the question.
If your rule is 'simple', why can't a mouse, or computer, follow it?
I think rules are intrinsically complex.
If your rule is 'simple', why can't a mouse, or computer, follow it?
I think rules are intrinsically complex.
Is it supposed to have just one answer, a few, a finite number?
If the puzzle isn't explicit, how can the solution be simple?
What are 'few parts' - is a Raspberry π one part, or several million?
Defining a part isn't going to be much easier. If your point is that defining "simplicity" and "part" is not easy, I agree. If your point is that all rules are very complex, I disagree.
Rules are complex.
If you've a comolexity metric for rules, that takes into account constraints & assumptions, I'm interested.
In cricket, how complex is the W.C.Grace inspired rule on bat size?