What an amazing ten years it’s been. I’ve met wonderful people thanks to Bea, authors and readers alike. Some of you (you know who!) have been here since the very beginning - and I see you! - and some of you are new to our little Plot Watchers community. But you’re all so welcome and so appreciated
Bea has over 700 reviews on Amazon now. I remember when she had less than ten, and most of those were friends and family. What a difference a decade makes!
But reviews aren’t everything, just a marker. What really makes me emotional is all of you giving your time and imagination to this little fairy and her gang of misfits.
Did I hope to finish the series this year for some sense of universal balance? Whelp, yes, I did! But I’m not disappointed. I want to send Bea off with a bang and bangs take time to create (😉)!
What an incredible journey it's been for you and Bea. You've achieved so much.
V v v v proud of you xxx
Love you all,
Faith xxxx