Seriously though. Do you mean in the last month, or do you mean ever? If you mean ever, vaccinations, the highway system, the post office, public education, food and safety inspections. Interstate trade and commerce. You know, everything the current administration is gutting.
On average, private insurance charges 120% of Medicare. Medicaid is 30% less expensive than Medicare because Medicaid can bargain aggressively. They will refuse to pay for the latest drug with a billion dollar ad campaign if it isn't better than one that costs 5% of the new one
Not all administrations of government have been run the same. Comparing what we previously had to this current abomination is like comparing a seasoned artist to a spoiled kid with crayons that won't stop drawing on the walls.
I had obamacare for one year. It was cheaper and better than what I currently have. But that was more than 10 years ago. I can't even afford my deductible on some things now. My insurance is through a state employee insurance.
Universal healthcare is cheaper and more efficient that private healthcare. Healthcare per capita is 1/2 to 1/3 less expensive in public healthcare systems in all other G20 nations than healthcare in the USA. Plus universal healthcare covers everybody and non body goes bankrupt.