No dimwit, it’s a single example to contradict your idiotic narrative that christianity is in any way responsible for—or, frankly, compatible with—scientific progress.
Without the Bible and Theology there would be no science or scientific method. Do your research. That is historical fact. Also do some research on Galileo. He was a dishonest scientist. He did not originate Heliocentrism and stole his match from Benedictine monks.
Or just continue ad hominem attacks
Bullshit; again, progress was made in spite of the church not because of it, otherwise it wouldn’t have taken until the enlightenment & rejection of church control to actually make progress.
Your puerile assault on galileo’s character is irrelevant & hilarious alongside your crying about ad hom.
That's a common misconception. Many pioneers of science—Newton, Galileo, Kepler—were devout Christians whose faith inspired their work. The church preserved knowledge through the Dark Ages, and belief in an orderly Creator laid the foundation for the scientific method.
Yes, Galileo Galilei was a Christian and a devout Catholic. He believed in God and saw no conflict between science and faith when properly understood. But he was also wrong. He thought planetary orbits were perfect circles and also that tides were caused by Earth's rotation not the moon.
Galileo was placed under house arrest not because the church was anti-science, but because as a Catholic he called the Pope an idiot. Which you can only get away with in America.
While the church has made mistakes, it’s wrong to say faith has hindered progress. The relationship between faith and science is complex, but when approached rightly, both seek truth. Dismissing one because of past conflicts limits our understanding.
Now go fuck yourself, you dishonest prick.
Or just continue ad hominem attacks
Your puerile assault on galileo’s character is irrelevant & hilarious alongside your crying about ad hom.
Clearly I’m wasting my time trying to have a conversation with someone so invested in apologetics they can only regurgitate obvious lies.