A fair bit of support for being annoyed rather than dismay that so many people are killed and injured in motorised vehicles.
I own 2 cars and 5 cycles....
Tell me you've never cycled in traffic without telling me etc.
I think the drivers who deliberately use their vehicles to intimidate & threaten (who I encounter every time I go out) would *love* to be allowed to ram cyclists off 'their' roads.
Of course not the majority. There are literally millions of them.
But the drivers who blatantly use their vehicles to express their hostility towards my existence, even on quiet, semi-rural roads? Those guys would happily do physical harm if they thought they'd get away with it.
My Uncle is 87 years old, and only recently bought himself an electric bike. He cycles 20-odd miles a day, as well as being an active cycling club member. He also drives, but enjoys his cycling, and has cycling holidays to the mountain Tour De France routes.
Grow up and start cycling?
I passed my test, never bought a car and let it lapse because I live in a city and don't need to drive. I cycle everywhere, and my doctor tells me I have no need for statins or similar, at the age of 54. She said "Keep doing what you're doing".
So I will.
It's a good question.
I mean, look over there officer at that person over 16 riding a bike. Quick, lock him up!
I wonder if he will come back and explain what he meant.
How would anyone become professional if they're imprisoned for riding after the age of 16?
Or do you mean darts players, golfers, snooker players etc should be allowed to puff along in the gutter, but experienced amateur road cyclists, easily able to keep pace with motor traffic shouldn't?
I passed my driving test when I was 17.
Back in the 90s as a teen I couldn't see the point in sitting in traffic and getting angry about it when it can be avoided ina more fun way for free and now in my late 40s I still feel the same way.
Cyclists annoy me by not using hand signals properly or at all. Just like car drivers who don’t signal properly. All road user groups have bad examples. Cars are just more dangerous when used badly.
Anyway, FYI it's not always safe to signal as you need to have both hands on the bars for turning and braking. Signalling in a car is a lot easier than on a bike.
Cyclists annoy me when they ride on the pavement, plus ignore traffic, lights zebra crossings etc and just go buzzing through pedestrians attempting to cross.
Cyclists seem to want to be treated like pedestrians when around cars, but far too many behave like cars when around pedestrians.
I stick to the road and signals on my bike, there are some that don't and for many it's a safety issue, not being run over.
Our country is so focused on car travel that cycling is becoming more dangerous, especially as some who are "annoyed" see this as an excuse to endanger cyclists, which is wrong
As I said not obeying the rules is common to both cyclists and motorists. Cars are intrinsically more dangerous and I probably wouldn’t cycle on the road today.
I pretty much agree with you. That said, as a pedestrian Cyclists concern me as much as Car drivers. Cyclists may be much lighter than cars but they're also much less likely to stop or give way when Pedestrians have priority; and in low speed urban environments they can reach the same speed as cars
I’m big into mountain biking and momentum management and cadence are important so I think road bikers are doing the same thing, but dawg you’re on the road so don’t get killed by motorists or fuck up pedestrians. At the same time, bike commuting seems like a good thing.
A 20-second delay stuck behind a cyclist is 10x more annoying than a 20-minute delay in a traffic jam, somehow. Also I think I should mention Road Tax, but I’m not sure why.
I fully understood the sarcasm in Andy’s post. ‘Road tax’ is frequently thrown into conversations by motorist when cyclists are the subject of debate.
It most definitely went over your head. Put your hands up, admit defeat and move on.
I own 2 cars and 5 cycles....
I think the drivers who deliberately use their vehicles to intimidate & threaten (who I encounter every time I go out) would *love* to be allowed to ram cyclists off 'their' roads.
But the drivers who blatantly use their vehicles to express their hostility towards my existence, even on quiet, semi-rural roads? Those guys would happily do physical harm if they thought they'd get away with it.
Grow up and take your driving test.
Grow up and start cycling?
So I will.
I mean, look over there officer at that person over 16 riding a bike. Quick, lock him up!
I wonder if he will come back and explain what he meant.
Hope I'm ok to carry on? 🤷
Or do you mean darts players, golfers, snooker players etc should be allowed to puff along in the gutter, but experienced amateur road cyclists, easily able to keep pace with motor traffic shouldn't?
Back in the 90s as a teen I couldn't see the point in sitting in traffic and getting angry about it when it can be avoided ina more fun way for free and now in my late 40s I still feel the same way.
Anyway, FYI it's not always safe to signal as you need to have both hands on the bars for turning and braking. Signalling in a car is a lot easier than on a bike.
Cyclists seem to want to be treated like pedestrians when around cars, but far too many behave like cars when around pedestrians.
Our country is so focused on car travel that cycling is becoming more dangerous, especially as some who are "annoyed" see this as an excuse to endanger cyclists, which is wrong
It most definitely went over your head. Put your hands up, admit defeat and move on.
I am typing this as I wait to go into an intensive care ward to visit a friend in a coma who was run over while cycling.