The same for Churches. They are meant to be non-profit yet mega churches have private Jets etc. I remember when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was a scandal because a had a dozen or so limousines. He was a piker compared to Joel Olsteen.
And non profit Hospitals CEO’s making millions per year. Business $$
Too many churches fail to empower the individuals within their congregations and, instead, promote a top-down decision making process...thus discouraging "thinking!" 😞
I've also experienced this as a former board member, while serving an organization that sought to empower vulnerable individuals. In this case, the campaign was stopped dead in its tracks, with the difference being that this particular community was empowered...and rallied to say NO!
Yes! I am a former associate pastor. It was a smaller-to mid-sized church and was, for the most part, made up of well-meaning individuals. A small group of power-grabbers eventually convinced a majority to back their "run it like a business" campaign, and the rest is history. 😔
And non profit Hospitals CEO’s making millions per year. Business $$