He wants to “rattle people”, because they’ll run around thinking all manner of things..he wants chaos to wear people out. If we just run around going “what is he going to do” he hopes we will miss the “what he is actually doing”
We are our own worst enemies at times..it feels like, just my opinion
This actually gives me hope. His appointments are atrocious, but that's in large part because they're all amoral opportunists who will soon be at each other's throats jockeying for his favor. It's going to be a shitshow, and shitshows are rarely effective.
It's only Chao because we're allowing it to be. We've been here before. Stop driving yourself crazy about something you can't control. The outrage is understandable, he's counting on it. Don't give it to him. 🤞
His tactic (and Putin’s) is always to offer the biggest craziest threat possible and then back off so you think you have a victory and relief, but actually he still does something crazy, just not as bad.
Meanwhile the line has been moved a little further than you wanted.
We are our own worst enemies at times..it feels like, just my opinion
Meanwhile the line has been moved a little further than you wanted.
Never forget this.