It’s not a “concentration camp”! It’s just a camp.. where they concentrate “drug addicts” (people with ADHD) !! Totally not journalistic malpractice!! No way!!
This ‘admission’ adds credibility to what I suspect they plan with private prisons for migrants & their perceived-enemies | “the enemy fr w/in” to be concentration / internment camps like what Ch*na is doing to the Uyghurs! Re-educ’g to ChristoFasc. & forced free labor. We taxpayers foot the bill;
It’s not over until the fat orange clown sing sings on 1/20/2025. Fight strategically, fight smart. Trump’s mask is off-disaffected Magalites abound. Help them on their disillusionment, bring them into the Pro-Democracy coalition. Make it a supermajority to drown out the tyrannical minority. 🌊💙 LFG!
WTF? Yah know we need requirements in any other job to apply or to be appointed? RFK has none for this job. How about a mental competency test as well?
... He wants people to labor in "wellness farms" to get off of SSRIs and ADHD medication.
People make a lot of assumptions... Scan the brain of someone with ADHD, and the pre-frontal cortex will show less activity. Normalizing it sometimes takes intervention like stimulants to treat the condition.
Wow, what a bold thing to say. This is coming from a guy who probably thinks Yayo is fine. No one who isn't skiing in all four seasons, bumping mad booger sugar beheads a whale.
So Trump goes to a labor camp? How horrifying to think that RFK jr believes that we the American people would allow these concentration camps to exist at all.
Went for my annual monogram at the hospital (red state) the admin checking me in needed me to sign paperwork and when she got to HIPAA she said "Here is the HIPAA form, for however long that last." I knew right then, this is my new friend.
Oh dear God in heaven!! As one of the CEO’s of a federally funded mental health system, we have to gear up for the long haul fight of our lives!!! Strategic planning is in high gear!! #ResistFromWithin
Call and email your Senator as often as possible and ask others to do so. Also, I usually give reasons. I have family members who have primary immune disorders, which puts them at high risk of catching bacterial and virus illnesses. If vaccines are curtailed, my family's health/life is threatened.
He thinks ADHD, ADD, autism, depression, any mental health disorder or disability is fake. He actually said autism isn’t real and anyone who claims to have it is just acting those ways for attention. Um, does Trump’s man Elon not know this, as an autistic individual? Yes Elon is autistic…
I can hardly wait! I had my entire childhood being looked down on and thought that I was bad (evil). So now my twilight years will be in detention camps since I finally found something that makes me normal…
This can’t be real.
When the Nazis made similar laws they began with labor camps in railroad cars.
Adults on ADHD medication are working, but these fascists see us as defective! Stop the election postmortem and begin a plan to help us fight back!
Is this an actual statement? I was just diagnosed ADHD this year and I need that to focus at work. (managed it my entire life but as I have aged) Why doesn’t the rest of America realize he is literally bat-shirt-crazy? He needs mental institution not an appointment in the administration ffs. #Yikes
As a therapist, I ran two groups for folks with ADHD. Funnest, wildest clients ever! I think of them fondly all these years later. But, I never ran another ADHD group. It was more than I could handle, and I have ADHD. Any jailers of my people will need lockdowns of their own very quickly.
And no, nothing about his is normal.
Has it already been 100 years of South Park???
Still funny though
Do all the journalism publications have skeletons in their closets that prevent them from being journalists?
Starting with his boss 👍🏼
Wonder what he’ll do with the FL population of meth heads.
People make a lot of assumptions... Scan the brain of someone with ADHD, and the pre-frontal cortex will show less activity. Normalizing it sometimes takes intervention like stimulants to treat the condition.
I hope this includes a certain President-Elect.
Went for my annual monogram at the hospital (red state) the admin checking me in needed me to sign paperwork and when she got to HIPAA she said "Here is the HIPAA form, for however long that last." I knew right then, this is my new friend.
Love this:)
This can’t be real.
Adults on ADHD medication are working, but these fascists see us as defective! Stop the election postmortem and begin a plan to help us fight back!