Hesitant to send any money to FLA or TX. I don’t have much confidence in the voters there because those states have too many stupid people & I have too often been disappointed after donating to candidates there. Can you convince me I’m not throwing my $ away? Many folks feel the same after 2024.
Can one ever be "assured"?
Only millions of $ can be assured.(musk)
The people with all their small donations and work on the ground can be assured that they are doing all they can to stop the oligarchy.
Don't be complaisant.
I’m not being COMPLACENT. I just don’t want to throw my money away. Big difference. I have liberal family in Florida, so I know there are Blue areas, but the stupid voters seem to be in the majority there.
Our DEMS are ON IT and with it, we're just outnumbered in regular elections. There a historical lyrics low turnout for Specials and Maga thinks they've got in on lock! FL Dems, Independents and reformed MAGA are MAD. All if my friends here are voting, when they usually don't bother.
Good for you for writing in and being a voice in a red district! Meuser votes lockstep with Republicans, but I believe our Reps are feeling the pressure. Thank you for doing this and for sharing!
I was thinking the same thing! Yeah, they’re in the deepest red they can get! But he did say the Democrats usually win special elections or do very well
I'm sorry to break this to you. But if the US doesn't sort Trump ,Musk out soon, there won't be an opposition in the senate on April 1st. Trump plans to remove the Reps in the coming weeks.
Only millions of $ can be assured.(musk)
The people with all their small donations and work on the ground can be assured that they are doing all they can to stop the oligarchy.
Don't be complaisant.