PLEASE SHARE: Huge march for our veterans and to defend the constitution THIS FRIDAY, March 14th @ Noon in DC, and every state capitol.
I'll be at the one in DC! Come!
I'll be at the one in DC! Come!
Even better, I’ll see a group of my high school and college friends at the protest!!!
Broadcast this. Don’t Hide it.
#DefendDemocracy #DefendVeterans #Resist
Also, WE should be marching against VETS, because the majority of them voted FOR this! 🙄
I feel that way about 1/2 of Americans.
I am a former Navy and current Marine vet wife.
He wrote in, and is going to pay along with the rest of us. 🤷🏻♀️
I don't know what else to say.
We vets will fight & die for this country so yall don’t have to. They know this.
After 3 decades of combat in the worst places in the world, they FEAR US!
Let’s add to that fear! COME STAND WITH US. Let’s SCARE the fuck out these piss ants seeing a sea of Luigi’s!
But veterans crisis line is still available.
But I’ll gladly march to demand stuff from Trump. I’ll make “we demand stuff” signs to hand out too!
#DefendVeterans #Resist #DefendDemocracy
#transrights #trumptrauma
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Hey, more than HALF of all white women voted for Trump…
Be better folks.
We’ll be there!
MAKE Congress pass the Law.
Get D’s to file a Bill ordering that ALL non-political civil staff fired be REHIRED IMMEDIATELY!
FORCE the vote, and find out who is really for the People (innocent civil servants) and who is for the Oligarchs.
And prevent the dismantling of our civil workforce.
This is how authoritarianism stays in power.
Say No to Tesla stock
Say No to X
Say No to advertisers on X
Say No to Elon
Say No to oligarchs
I hope the vets finally quit marching/supporting trump who treats them as thrash & nothing more than props. Every action, word & policy from Trump spells out his TRUE feelings towards them. Everything he does is the antithesis of their bravery & selflessness.
Tell them:
1. Vote NO on Cloture
2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill.
Don’t let them pivot to reconciliation. GOP doesn’t need Dem votes on that and they know it.
TODAY is the showdown.
🤳🏽: (202) 224-3121
We must ask the participants to share their photos and videos so that we can then share them all over socials.
#DefendVeterans #DefendDemocracy #Resist