According to fact check on Lead Stories, Macron never said that. So it is a fake. Although he would be so right to make that claim. But outside the Trump orbit, this is not how diplomacy works.
I thought this might be satire so I checked. In matter fact France did both loans and military assistance in our fight against Britian for our independence. It was paid by not by the US Government but by a financier in the US named James Swan in 1795. So technically the meme is correct.
and besides the money side of debt; it is highly improbable that the united states could have achieved victory in the american revolution without the assistance of france, spain, and the netherlands. the intervention of these countries made a crucial difference in the revolution’s outcome.
Trump for 1. Newfoundland
2. NATO during 9/11 US crisis?
And to all the countries who supplied firefighters and flood efforts?
It’s time to “Call the note”, Prime Minister Trudeau😳 😂