They're literally telling us that "the high ground" is us complying with any rule and law that strips us of our rights. I feel better if I saw any significant number of cis "allies" denouncing that, but they aren't. They're all praising it, it's just trans people who aren't in power opposing it.
She has likely had genuine threats on her life from within the government. I just left the US after 16 years there, and it really has gotten so bad that people get lynched for less.
A slight counterpoint to the “loss of hope” (though we’re in a very dark place): there have always been assimilationist gays and liberationist gays, and the former have *always* been praised by liberals. So it’s unsurprising (though still dispiriting) to see it happen with trans people, too
I know it's naive, but i still have hope for what she can accomplish simply by existing in the space.
I'm not sure i understand what she has done so far to lose hope. I admit i havent seen much news about her except for the "I'm not focused on that right now" comments.
Maybe she didn’t want to be trans or even be an elected rep in a time like this but she has a responsibility to the rest of us. Feels so fucking bleak.
Yeah I mean like of course i wouldn’t want to fucking fight this, but to me it would feel so much worse if I surrendered immediately, if there’s a federal bathroom ban for trans ppl I’m just ignoring it. God this sucks lol
I'm not sure i understand what she has done so far to lose hope. I admit i havent seen much news about her except for the "I'm not focused on that right now" comments.
She's a fucking Congresswoman, what's the point in getting elected if it's not to do something???