Of course, the real dilemma for the senior US military(if they feel a need to intervene with Trump) is who they possibly replace him with. The entire administration is engaged in this facist coup, but the alternative would seem to be military rule until further elections. Not sure that would work.
I know this is a bit of a fantasy, but it's also an intriguing question: 'What happens when you depose the entire senior government and legislative politicians?' Who governs in the interim (Johnson? No.)? What legitimacy does an interim government have? It's not simple.
That could work, but elections would take more than a couple of weeks; and you'd have to trust that generals would abide by the result, as well as the 70,000,000 who might feel themselves disenfranchised. It's easier said than done (welcome to the world of the Founders).😎
The problem is that all the Generals who have lived up to their oath to Constitution and replaced them with less experienced officers who have sworn a oath to Trump.
We knew something like this would happen. Dictator Trump is the reason why these things happen to America, because dictator Trump doesn’t care about anybody but himself.
This is disgusting and shameful. HOW THE HELL CAN THE GOP STAY SILENT ON THIS?? Trump is destroying the United States. YOU TOOK A DAMN OATH!!! ABIDE BY IT OR RESIGN!!!
Its a straight up dictatorship. The US military should have already done a coup but apparently theyre all a bunch of spineless coconspirators