Seems to me that since MAGA is a foreign controlled terrorists anti-American group who is NOT recognized or registered political party who took hostile control over the GOP, that Trump should be Disqualified
When the RepublicQans can't dazzle you with their dance, they will baffle you with their BS, and they're terrible at both dancing and BS'ing.
Oppression is a profession
As long as we focus on the clown, the fascists will continue to crush us. They control every branch of government. BTW, Walsh is a fucking scumbag. Just like all the other “former” republicans who MSNBC deify.
It should be a law the elected officials can not lie to the public. The fact that Republicans lie more than they tell the truth and the lies are regurgitated on Right wing media is how we got here.
Joe Walsh is another Rino loser. The dream world that he lives in gave us Obama and Biden. Bad health care ins System and a tripling of prices to go along with 15 million illegal aliens killing people.
Stop sleeping on people who wish to control you and drain you of everything you hold dear. Look at the poor sheep left out in the middle of nowhere when a Trump rally is over. the whole point was to feed off your energy and take video and pictures your celebrating a cherub. Follow the money. ❤️🔥
One of the most strange and dislikable things of the last 10 years or so for me is the periodic experience of being forced to agree with odious people like fucking Joe Walsh.
They try to rationalize hate, abuse and lies as free speech. Same people who don’t have moral obligation or self control. They want to cause as much pain and suffering as they can to marginalized groups and people of color for not towing their line who’s ancestors tortured their slaves for fun.
I’ve been spared any of this in my own family but my best friend of 45 years has been a maga type since he married into a bunch of rich shitheads in 1990. They don’t seem to get wiser over time. We barely talk.
m.johnson, what does ur congregants really think of U speaking abt a sitting US President who's character is no where near the convicted "incoming" president who just recently made a narcissistic remark about the half staff display of the US Flag for a deceased former US President. Oh, economy=GOOD
But you let your Repub Buddies want POWER, propping up the Village Idiot instead of standing up for principals n integrity.
Most flip-flopped on important issues and Mega-MAGA Hypocritical daily. U and Liz Cheney (my 9th cousin), N Kinzinger need to look over your shoulders now. crazies comn 4 U!🤫🥲
Why is it that Dems can listen to Joe Walsh but not Liz Cheney? Look up Joe Walsh and the 2016 election and tell me why this man was ever given credibility or a platform.
Harris/Walz had a near perfect campaign. But once Rump tapped into the ugly, greedy, selfish American soul, decency, integrity and logic didn’t stand a chance.
"Kinzinger, in a new documentary “The Last Republican” from director Steve Pink, said “what it means now to be a Republican” is that you’re “driven by anger and division."
Yup. They do. And they do not care. Gloves off democrats and independents. You can’t keep fighting these lunatics with policy! You have to get in their face and call them out on bullshit that they spew!
We’re going to have a whole generation of young men who have no respect for women who will behave badly and point to their President as an example of how one should treat a woman!
Yeah, he mentioned that once or twice. Now imagine if all MAGA’S did a ‘Joe Walsh’ and saw Trump as a danger to democracy, the American constitution and, America’s allies. For starters…
I have a slightly different view. Republicans have always been lying, hypocritical, self serving assholes, that have embraced the worst aspects of humanity. Trump just recognized those characterized those qualities as those he also possessed and decided to throw in with them.
Oh, let’s not pretend this started with Trump. Bigotry and lies have been republicans stock and trade for more than 40 years, Trump just brought the white supremacist connections to the surface.
Europeans are the first illegals. They slaughtered over 65 million of my people to steal our country, initially. Then stole our children to indoctrinate them. If they did not comply, they murdered them. To this day we have the hugest number of missing and murdered women. Our genocide continues.
We should be considered the first World War. It is not just the Natives of the U.S. slaughtered by multiple European countries, but Canada, Mexico and all the Americas. How much further does the death toll of Natives rise? 18 million in your WWI. 85 million in WWII. Honestly, who are the savages?
The Wampanoag tribe saved the Pilgrims from certain death. They taught them how to survive. Where is your thanks in so called Native American Month at least? Of course not, we are so called savages. We are the ones invading other countries flexing our superiority. You make me sick!
Republican politicians and their strategists have been working toward someone like Trump since the 1960’s.
The civil rights and women’s rights movements threatened their preferred view that white males should rule them all.
They are evil and corrupted beyond redemption.
Not surprised it’s the easiest thing to subscribe to when you have little schooling and a great deal of naivety and ignorance but I do not generalize , I would say that only those who voted for him , can’t see it any other way 🤓
Absolutely correct. It’s an extremely sad and ugly commentary on human nature. So much stupidity and pathology…why people would be attracted in ANY way by someone so repulsive… Hitler history repeating itself.
I think they lied before. He just made it okay. Because he really didn’t seem to care if you caught him in a lie…he’d tell another one that was even stupider but would be “eh” about the whole experience. He’s normalized dishonesty, lack of compassion and lack of class.
I’m afraid it is just like Germany in the 1930/40’s where the Bundestag and the ‘elite’ fell into line with Nazi doctrine in order to curry favour, or just not stand out!!
When something works why would one not use it? It's not so much the politicians as it is the people who lap the shit up and ask for more. Voters are to blame.
Pure and simple
Oppression is a profession
Got angry over nonsense then doubled down with disowning me.
Total maga playbook.
Most flip-flopped on important issues and Mega-MAGA Hypocritical daily. U and Liz Cheney (my 9th cousin), N Kinzinger need to look over your shoulders now. crazies comn 4 U!🤫🥲
This is not something that I look forward to!
Just isolate those douchebags
Vote them out in the midterms
The civil rights and women’s rights movements threatened their preferred view that white males should rule them all.
They are evil and corrupted beyond redemption.
Exaggerated "R"... for RAPIST!
He demoralized us.
I don’t mean in the modern definition, but in the original definition.
“to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : to corrupt the morals of”
The false gods of ego - microcosm/macrocosm
Just like in addict/abusive families there are those who follow (wallow) in the parents footsteps and those who choose to become more in spite of them